
Authentic Chicken Mandi Recipe - Arabian Delight from Hadhramaut, Yemen

by - March 03, 2016

"A plate of Chicken Mandi served with fragrant rice and tender meat."
"Experience the aromatic delight of Chicken Mandi, a flavourful Yemeni dish."

"Authentic Chicken Mandi Recipe - Arabian Delight from Hadhramaut, Yemen"

    Chicken Mandi, a traditional Yemeni dish hailing from Hadhramaut, Yemen, is a cherished rice-based delicacy prevalent in the Arabian Peninsula, Egypt, Jordan, and among the Hadhrami community in the Malabar region of Kerala, India. The term "Mandi" derives from the Arabic word "nada," meaning "dew," epitomizing the succulent texture of the meat. This recipe replicates the essence of Mandi, infusing the signature smoky flavour of Tandoor-cooked meat into oven-baked chicken, creating a delectable fusion of flavours.

    Chicken Mandi recipe typically consists of a blend of rice, tender meat (often lamb or chicken), and an array of aromatic spices. Traditionally, Mandi's distinctive flavour profile is achieved by cooking the meat in a Tandoor oven. However, I've innovated by adapting the recipe to bake the chicken in an electric oven, offering a convenient alternative to the traditional method. To capture the essence of the smoky Tandoor flavour, I've incorporated a clever trick that infuses the chicken with the desired smokiness, ensuring an authentic taste experience.  While some recipes suggest garnishing Chicken Mandi with raisins, pine nuts, or peanuts, the version I experienced and recreated omits any garnish. This highlights the dish's pure flavours, emphasizing its status as a centrepiece for special occasions like Eid, weddings, and feasts. 

"A plate of Chicken Mandi served with fragrant rice and tender meat."
"Experience the aromatic delight of Chicken Mandi, a flavourful Yemeni dish."


    I had the pleasure of enjoying Chicken Mandi at an Arabian restaurant near my son's university in Nilai, Malaysia in 2015. The subtle blend of spices and the tender texture of the chicken left a lasting impression. Inspired by this delightful experience, I eagerly tried the recipe at home, and it quickly became a beloved favourite among my family. The enthusiastic approval from my husband, even on the first attempt, and his request to serve Mandi when his cousin visited from New Zealand affirmed its permanent spot on our regular menu.  Since then, I've been preparing and serving this recipe to both my family and guests. Personally, I believe I've successfully honoured the essence of this Yemeni dish, despite it being a novel addition to my culinary repertoire.  

    To streamline the cooking process, I opted to bake the chicken in an Electric Oven for convenience. Additionally, I experimented with cooking it in a Microwave, finding that both methods yielded satisfactory results with excellent texture for both the chicken and the rice. To enhance the authenticity of the dish, I devised a simple yet effective trick to impart the desired smoky aroma to the Chicken Mandi, which proved successful. This oven-baked Chicken Mandi with authentic spices is absolutely one quick cook method for the most traditional Arabian dish.

Explore more dishes from Arabian Cuisine here...

Cuisine - Arabian; Mediterranean
Course - Main Course
Spice Level - Medium
Difficulty - Medium
Serves - 4-6
Author - SM

Preparation Time - 20–30 Minutes
Marination Time - 2-4 Hours/Overnight
Cooking Time - 45 Minutes - 1 Hour



For Chicken Marinade:

Whole Chicken or Chicken Pieces
2–3 teaspoons Hawaij Spice Mix
1/8 teaspoon Turmeric
2 tablespoons Melted Butter

For Mandi Rice:

4 Cups Rice
6 Cups Water (2 Cups chicken Stock + 4 Cups Water)
1 large Onion
4-5 Green Chillies
4 Pods Cardamom
6 Cloves
2 pieces Cinnamon Stick(1"size stick)
1 Bay Leaf
1 teaspoon Peppercorns
4 tablespoons of Butter or Oil
Salt to Taste
A Pinch Saffron / Food colouring

For the Smoky Flavour:

1 Big piece of Charcoal briquette
1 heatproof Ramekin
2 tablespoons of Vegetable oil

Traditional Chicken Mandi Recipe - a Hadhramaut delicacy from Yemeni Cuisine

"A plate of Chicken Mandi served with fragrant rice and tender meat."
"Experience the aromatic delight of Chicken Mandi, a flavourful Yemeni dish."


  1. Begin by marinating the chicken with Hawaij Spice Mix, turmeric, and melted butter, allowing the flavours to meld in the refrigerator for 2–4 hours or overnight.
  2. Infuse saffron threads in warm water, enhancing both colour and aroma for the rice.
  3. Sauté onions and green chillies until translucent, then transfer to an ovenproof dish.
  4. Combine rice, water, spices, and Chicken Stock in the dish, seasoning with salt to taste.
  5. Place a wire rack in the dish and arrange the marinated chicken atop for even cooking.
  6. Make sure that the pot is larger in diameter than the chicken. 
  7. Place the dish in a preheated oven at 425°F or 210 °C and bake for 15–20 minutes.
  8. When the outside of the chicken starts to brown, lower heat to 325°F or 160°C and cook for another 15 -20 Minutes.
  9. Adjust the temperature for optimal browning and tenderness.
  10. Drizzle saffron-infused water/food colouring over the rice, imparting a vibrant hue and fragrant essence.
  11. Allow the chicken and rice to cook slowly until tender and thoroughly infused with flavours.
  12. Optionally, enhance the dish with a smoky flavour by adding a heated charcoal briquette to the dish.
  13. Remove the rice and chicken from the oven and leave it aside for a few minutes before cutting the chicken.  Cut the chicken and place it back in the rice pot.
  14. Serve hot, accompanied by traditional sides like Daquos or Curd Raitha, for a complete culinary experience.

For Smoky Flavour (Optional):

  • Position the coal briquette above the flame and allow it to heat thoroughly until it glows red-hot.
  • Place a small ramekin in the middle of the cooked dish with some vegetable oil inside.
  • Add the red-hot coal inside the oil and cover the pot with a lid.

  • Leave the smoky charcoal inside the pot for a while.
  • It will give the Chicken Mandi a smoky flavour.

For a detailed instruction on How to make Chicken Stock, Click here...

"A plate of Chicken Mandi served with fragrant rice and tender meat."
"Experience the aromatic delight of Chicken Mandi, a flavourful Yemeni dish."


  • Utilize any variety of long-grained rice or Basmati rice for versatility in your Chicken Mandi recipe.
  • Optimal results are achieved by cooking the chicken at a low temperature, ensuring a tender texture that easily falls off the bone.
  • Adjust the cooking duration based on whether you're using a whole chicken or chicken pieces, with a full chicken requiring approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes, while chicken pieces typically cook within 45–60 minutes.
  • For those preferring lamb, it can be substituted for chicken, though cooking times will vary accordingly.
  • Although possible to cook the rice and chicken separately, combining them enhances the dish's flavour profile as the meat juices infuse the rice.
  • Alternatively, this recipe can be prepared using a microwave oven with grill settings for added convenience.
  • Employ a thermometer to accurately gauge the chicken's doneness, ensuring perfectly cooked meat every time.
  • Following the addition of saffron, refrain from fluffing the rice until it reaches full cooked status.
  • Maintain a ratio of 1 1/2 cups of water to 1 cup of rice, adjusting the quantity based on the rice variety utilized.
  • While optional, imparting a smoky flavour to Chicken Mandi enhances its authenticity, elevating the overall dining experience.

    In conclusion, Chicken Mandi is a flavourful Yemeni dish that captivates the senses with its aromatic spices and succulent meat. Whether prepared with long-grained rice or fragrant Basmati rice, this dish offers versatility and exquisite taste. Cooking the chicken at a low temperature ensures a tender texture, while variations with lamb provide a delightful alternative. Combining the rice and chicken enhances the dish's flavour profile, complemented by the optional addition of a smoky aroma for authenticity. With precise cooking techniques and attention to detail, Chicken Mandi promises to be a culinary masterpiece that delights both chefs and diners alike.

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